Extreme cold temperatures can have adverse effects on your wire and cable, causing them to temporarily become brittle and inflexible. In these conditions, some cables will stiffen and even crack if they are installed below recommended temperatures.
M.C. Hammer was arrested in 2013 in Dublin, California, for allegedly obstructing an officer in the performance of his duties and resisting an officer (according to "stop and identify" statutes). Hammer claims he was a victim of racial profiling by the police, stating an officer pulled out his gun and randomly asked him: "Are you on parole or probation?" Hammer stated that as he handed over his ID, the officer reached inside the car and tried to pull him out. Police in Dublin, east of Oakland, said Hammer was "blasting music" in a vehicle with expired registration and he was not the registered owner. "After asking Hammer who the registered owner was, he became very argumentative and refused to answer the officer's questions," police spokesman Herb Walters typed in an e-mail to CNN. Hammer was booked and released from Santa Rita Jail in Dublin. A court date was scheduled; however, all charges were dropped in early March.[266][267] Hammer tweeted that he was not bitter and considered what happened "a teachable moment."[268][269][270][271]
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Hammer's impression on the music industry appeared almost as instantaneously as Digital Underground's rap "The Humpty Dance," which was released when Hammer was still early in his career and included the lyrics "People say ya look like M.C. Hammer on crack, Humpty!", boasting about Hammer's showmanship versus Humpty Hump (Shock G)'s inability to match it in dance. Additionally, Hammer had several costly videos, two in particular were "Too Legit to Quit" or "2 Legit 2 Quit" (in which many celebrities appeared) and "Here Comes the Hammer".[98][288]
In 2005, Hammer appeared in a commercial for Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company which made a humorous reference to his career. First he is shown in his distinctive clothing with his dance troupe performing "U Can't Touch This" in front of a mansion representative of his former house with a monogram H on the gable. Then there is silence and a screen card saying "Fifteen Minutes Later" appears with a view of Hammer sadly sitting on the curb in front of the same house as a crane removes the monogram H and tow trucks pull away sports cars that were parked in front. After a large "Foreclosed" sign appears, the voice-over said "Life comes at you fast. Be ready with Nationwide!"[294][295]
23 Ohioans indicted as part of narcotics distribution ring involving bulk amounts of fentanyl, crack cocaine, cocaine, methamphetamine & other narcotics Tuesday, October 11, 2022 - Southern District of Ohio