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D3dx9 30.dll Pes 2012

Writer's picture: bromogsidiminrodimbromogsidiminrodim

Errors related to d3dx9_30.dll can arise for a few different different reasons. For instance, a faulty application, d3dx9_30.dll has been deleted or misplaced, corrupted by malicious software present on your PC or a damaged Windows registry.

In the vast majority of cases, the solution is to properly reinstall d3dx9_30.dll on your PC, to the Windows system folder. Alternatively, some programs, notably PC games, require that the DLL file is placed in the game/application installation folder.

d3dx9 30.dll pes 2012

Do not, under any circumstances, download d3dx9_30.dll from any "DLL download site". There are a number of reasons why downloading DLLs like that is never a good idea. If you already have, remove it from wherever you put it and continue with the following steps.

The last version of the D3dx9_30.dll library is the 9.12.589.0 version for 32 Bit and the 9.12.589.0 version for 64 Bit. Before this version, there were 1 versions released. Downloadable D3dx9_30.dll library versions have been listed below from newest to oldest.

It's possible that during the programs' installation or while using them, the D3dx9_30.dll library was damaged or deleted. You can generally see error messages listed below or similar ones in situations like this.

These errors we see are not unsolvable. If you've also received an error message like this, first you must download the D3dx9_30.dll library by clicking the "Download" button in this page's top section. After downloading the library, you should install the library and complete the solution methods explained a little bit above on this page and mount it in Windows. If you do not have a hardware issue, one of the methods explained in this article will fix your issue.

d3dx9_30.dll related errors occurIf Windows can not run the application, but there is also a lack of d3dx9_30.dll errors may lead to not perform or carry out programs or games. Is also possible that your registry errors. This error may seriously affect the performance of your computer. Here you can download d3dx9_30.dll, he is free of charge. The file is compressed file, so you need an unzip software in order to use the file. Encourage you to read how to extract and install the files. Use the following link to start downloading d3dx9_30.dll

After downloading the d3dx9_30.dll file placed on "C:\WINDOWS\system32" directory, you may no longer be the operating system C drive, in accordance with individual decisions installation directory.

Descarga el siguiente d3dx9_30.dll para resolver tu problema dll. En este momento tenemos disponibles 2 versiones diferentes de este archivo. Elige sabiamente. La mayoría de las veces basta con elegir la versión más alta.

Los errores relacionados con d3dx9_30.dll pueden producirse por distintas razones. Por ejemplo, una aplicación defectuosa, d3dx9_30.dll, se ha eliminado o ubicado de forma incorrecta, ha sido corrompida por un software malicioso en tu PC o un registro de Windows dañado.

En la mayoría de los casos, la solución consiste en volver a instalar adecuadamente d3dx9_30.dll en tu PC, en la carpeta de sistema de Windows. Por otra parte, algunos programas, sobre todo los juegos para PC, requieren que el archivo de DLL se encuentre ubicado en la carpeta de instalación del juego/aplicación.

  • خطوات تصليح أخطاء dll بعد تحميل d3dx9_30.dllأنسخ "copy" ملف " d3dx9_30.dll" وألصقة "paste" داخل مجلد اللعبة او البرنامج الذي يطلبة .

  • ويمكنك ايضا وضعة داخل نظام الويندوز وذلك من خلال القيام بنسخة داخل المجلدات الاتية وذلك حسب نظام التشغيل الذي تستعملة:لو نظامك Windows XP, Vista, 7 -32 bit انسخة في المجلد الاتي:C:\Windows\System32

  • لو كان نظام تشغيلك Windows Windows XP, Vista, 7 -64 bit انسخة في المجلد الاتي:C:\Windows\SysWOW64

  • لو نظامك windows 95-98-Me انسخة في المجلد الاتي:C:\Windows\System

  • لو نظامك Windows NT/200 انسخة في المجلد الاتي:C:\WINNT\System32

  • وفي بعض الاحيان لو لم يتم حل المشكلة سنقوم بتلك الخطوات الاضافية:أفتح قائمة ابدأ "start menu" ومنها أختار تشغيل "run" ...يمكنك أيضا فتح "run" عن طريق الضغط علي مفتاحي"+R" معا

  • وأكتب داخلها "regsvr32 d3dx9_30.dll" ثم أضغط علي زر موافق "ok" ليتم تسجيل ملف "d3dx9_30.dll" في نظام تشغيل ويندوز

  • Steps for repairing dll errors after downloading d3dx9_30.dll file:COPY d3dx9_30.dll file and PASTE it inside your app or game directory .

  • you can also use it globally by putting file inside widnows os just by putting it in appropriate folder :if you are using Windows XP, Vista, 7 -32 bit just put it inside:C:\Windows\System32

  • if you are using Windows Windows XP, Vista, 7 -64 bit just put it inside:C:\Windows\SysWOW64

  • if you are using windows 95-98-Me just put it inside::C:\Windows\System

  • if you are using Windows NT/200 just put it inside:C:\WINNT\System32

  • In some cases, if the error is not fixed we will do these additional steps:Open "Start Menu" and choose "Run" ..You can also access the Run command by pressing the Windows logo key "+R"

  • And write "regsvr32 d3dx9_30.dll" Then press "OK" button To register "d3dx9_30.dll file in Windows operating system.

Téléchargez d3dx9_30.dll ci-dessous afin de résoudre votre problème de fichier dll. Nous avons actuellement 2 versions différentes de ce fichier disponibles.Choisissez de manière avisée. La plupart du temps, il suffit de choisir la version au numéro le plus élevé.

Les erreurs liées à d3dx9_30.dll peuvent survenir pour différentes raisons. Par exemple, une application en faute, d3dx9_30.dll a été supprimé ou déplacé, corrompu par un logiciel malveillant présent sur votre PC ou un registre Windows endommagé.

Dans la plupart des cas, la solution est de réinstaller correctement d3dx9_30.dll sur votre PC, dans le dossier système Windows. D'autre part, certains programmes comme les jeux PC nécessitent que le fichier DLL soit placé dans le dossier d'installation du jeu/programme. 2ff7e9595c

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